
Contains classes for evaluation of models performance on both docking tasks.

RMSD for interaction pose (IP) prediction. Accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and MCC (Matthews Correlation Coefficient) for fact-of-interaction (FI).

class Dock2D.Utility.ValidationMetrics.RMSD(ligand, gt_rot, gt_txy, pred_rot, pred_txy)
__init__(ligand, gt_rot, gt_txy, pred_rot, pred_txy)

RMSD of predicted versus ground truth shapes.


Analog of inertia tensor and center of mass for rmsd calc. Where X is the inertia tensor, W is the sum of the bulk shape, and C is the center of mass.


\[\frac{2*X}{W}, \frac{C}{W}\]

class Dock2D.Utility.ValidationMetrics.APR

Initialize epsilon to avoid division by ~zero.

calc_APR(data_stream, run_model, epoch=0, deltaF_logfile=None, experiment=None, stream_name=None)

Calculate accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and MCC (Matthews Correlation Coefficient) based on confusion matrix values during fact-of-interaction model evaluation.

  • data_stream – data stream

  • run_model – run_model() passed from FI model

  • epoch – current evaluation epoch

  • deltaF_logfile – free energies per example and F_0 logfile

  • experiment – current experiment name

  • stream_name – name of current data stream


accuracy, precision, recall, f1score, mcc