- class Dock2D.Utility.TorchDockingFFT.TorchDockingFFT(padded_dim, num_angles, swap_plot_quadrants=False, normalization='ortho', model_name=None, debug=False)
Utility class to perform FFT-based docking.
- __init__(padded_dim, num_angles, swap_plot_quadrants=False, normalization='ortho', model_name=None, debug=False)
Initialize docking FFT based on desired usage.
- Parameters
padded_dim – dimension of final padded box to follow Nyquist’s theorem.
num_angles – number of angles to sample
angle – single angle to rotate a shape and evaluate FFT
swap_plot_quadrants – swap FFT output quadrants to make plots origin centered
normalization – specify normalization for the torch.fft2() and torch.irfft2() operations, default is set to ortho
debug – shows what rotations look like depending on num_angles
- check_fft_predictions(energies, receptor, ligand, gt_rot, gt_txy, plot_pub=False)
Test function to see how fft scores looks from raw, unlearned, bulk and boundary features used in dataset generation.
- Parameters
energies – computed fft energies
receptor – receptor shape grid image
ligand – ligand shape grid image
gt_rot – ground truth rotation
gt_txy – ground truth translation
- dock_rotations(receptor_feats, ligand_feats, angle, weight_bulk, weight_crossterm, weight_bound)
Compute FFT scores of shape features in the space of all rotations and translation ligand features. Rotationally sample the the ligand feature using specified number of angles, and repeat the receptor features to match in size. Then compute docking score using
.- Parameters
receptor_feats – receptor bulk and boundary feature single features
ligand_feats – ligand bulk and boundary feature single features
angle – angle is the case where we only want to sample 1 correlation at a specific angle, default is None, otherwise the num_angles just does np.linspace() from 0 to 360.
weight_bulk – bulk scoring coefficient
weight_crossterm – crossterm scoring coefficient
weight_bound – boundary scoring coefficient
- Returns
scored docking feature correlation
- dock_translations(receptor_sampled_stack, ligand_sampled_stack, weight_bulk, weight_crossterm, weight_bound)
Compute FFT score on receptor and rotationally sampled ligand feature stacks of bulk, crossterms, and boundary features. Maximum score -> minimum energy.
- Parameters
receptor_sampled_stack – self.num_angles repeated stack of receptor bulk and boundary features
ligand_sampled_stack – self.num_angles rotated and repeated stack of receptor bulk and boundary features
weight_bulk – bulk scoring coefficient
weight_crossterm – crossterm scoring coefficient
weight_bound – boundary scoring coefficient
- Returns
FFT score using scoring function
- encode_transform(gt_rot, gt_txy)
Encode the ground-truth transformation as a (flattened) 3D one-hot array.
- Parameters
gt_rot – ground truth rotation in radians [[gt_rot]], expected to be between -pi and +pi.
gt_txy – ground truth translation [[x], [y]].
- Returns
flattened one hot encoded array.
- extract_transform(fft_score)
Returns the transformation [alpha, [tx, ty]] corresponding to the best (maximum) score
- Parameters
fft_score – fft score grid
- Returns
predicted rotation index and translation indices