- class Dock2D.Utility.PlotterFI.PlotterFI(experiment=None, logfile_savepath='Log/losses/FI_loss/')
- __init__(experiment=None, logfile_savepath='Log/losses/FI_loss/')
Initialize paths and filename prefixes for saving plots.
- Parameters
experiment – current experiment name
logfile_savepath – path to load and save data and figs
- plot_deltaF_distribution(filename=None, plot_epoch=None, xlim=250, binwidth=1, show=False, save=True, plot_pub=False)
Plot the labeled free energies of interacting and non-interacting shape pairs as a histogram, with a vertical line demarcating the learned F_0 interaction decision threshold, if applicable.
- Parameters
filename – specify the file to load, default of None sets filename to match the project convention
plot_epoch – epoch of training/evalution to plot
xlim – absolute value lower limit of the x-axis.
binwidth – histogram bin width
show – show the plot in a window
save – save the plot at specified path
- Returns
- plot_loss(show=False, save=True, plot_combined=False)
Plot the current fact-of-interaction (FI) experiments loss curve. The plot will plot all epochs present in the log file.
- Parameters
show – show the plot in a window
save – save the plot at specified path