Run a dummy model to show that model parameters can be saved and loaded from the state_dict This is useful for resuming training, loading specific epochs for evaluation, or loading pretrained models.
- class Dock2D.Tests.check_param_state_dict_cuda.DummyModel(send_init_to_cuda=False)
Dummy model that trains, saves, and loads a single layer Conv2d net. Purpose was from SE(2) model always deleting a buffer of continuous filters between calls of model.train() and model.eval().
- __init__(send_init_to_cuda=False)
Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
- forward(x)
- Parameters
x – input into conv net
- Returns
simple activation
- static load_checkpoint(checkpoint_fpath, model, optimizer)
- Parameters
checkpoint_fpath – path ot checkpoint dict file
model – current model
optimizer – current optimizer
- Returns
loaded state dicts for both model and optimizer
- static save_checkpoint(state, filename)
- Parameters
state – model.state_dict()
filename – file to save as
- Returns