This module contains layers working with volumetric representation of proteins.
Computes the 3D atomic densities of each atom type. Let's denote the position of the $j$-th atom of type $i$ as $\mathbf{x}_{ij}$.
The volumetric density for atom type $i$ reads:
V_i(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_j \exp\left( -\frac{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{x}_{ij}|^2}{2\sigma^2} \right)
The value of $\sigma$ is set to 1 grid unit. To reduce the amount of computation,
the contribution of each atom is considered only up to 2 grid cells away from its position.
import torch
from TorchProteinLibrary import Volume, FullAtomModel
import _Volume
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
if __name__=='__main__':
a2c = FullAtomModel.Angles2Coords()
translate = FullAtomModel.CoordsTranslate()
sequences = ['GGMLGWAHFGY']
#Setting conformation to alpha-helix
angles = torch.zeros(len(sequences), 7, len(sequences[-1]), dtype=torch.double, device='cpu')
angles.data[:,0,:] = -1.047 # phi = -60 degrees
angles.data[:,1,:] = -0.698 # psi = -40 degrees
angles.data[:,2:,:] = 110.4*np.pi/180.0
#Converting angles to coordinates
coords, res_names, atom_names, num_atoms = a2c(angles, sequences)
#Translating the structure to fit inside the volume
translation = torch.tensor([[60, 60, 60]], dtype=torch.double, device='cpu')
coords = translate(coords, translation, num_atoms)
#Converting to typed coords manually
#We need dimension 1 equal to 11, because right now 11 atom types are implemented and
#this layer expects 11 offsets and 11 num atoms of type per each structure
coords = coords.to(dtype=torch.double, device='cuda')
num_atoms_of_type = torch.zeros(1, 11, dtype=torch.int, device='cuda')
num_atoms_of_type.data[0,0] = num_atoms.data[0]
offsets = torch.zeros(1, 11, dtype=torch.int, device='cuda')
offsets.data[:,1:] = num_atoms.data[0]
#Projecting to volume
tc2v = Volume.TypedCoords2Volume(box_size=120)
volume = tc2v(coords, num_atoms_of_type, offsets)
#Saving the volume to a file, we need to sum all the atom types, because
#Volume2Xplor currently accepts only 3d volumes
volume = volume.sum(dim=1).to(device='cpu').squeeze()
_Volume.Volume2Xplor(volume, "volume.xplor")
Extracts local features from a set of volumes based on the atomic coordinates, scaled according to
proportion of initial volume size (box_size_bins) and current volume size (box_size_ang).
This process is illustrated on the image below:
In version 0.1 of the library, this layer is not differentiable.
In version 0.1 of the library, this layer is not differentiable.
Computes the correlation between two sets of volumes of the same size. Let's denote
feature $i$ volume as $V_i$. The correlation between two sets of volumes is:
Corr_i = (V^{(1)}_i * V^{(2)}_i)
(V^{(1)}_i * V^{(2)}_i) (x,y,z) = \sum_{klm} V^{(1)}_i (k,l,m) V^{(1)}_i (k+x,l+y,m+z)
We will denote the translation of the second volume wrt the first as $\vec{\tau} = (x, y, z)$