This module contains implementation of least-RMSD loss function.
Computes the least RMSD between two sets of coordinates.
First we move both target and input structures (positions $\mathbf{x}_i$ and $\mathbf{y}_i$) to their centers of mass, then we compute the correlation matrix $R$: $$ R = \sum_i^{N_{atoms}} \mathbf{x}_i \mathbf{y}^T_i $$ Using this matrix we compute $T$: $$ T = \begin{bmatrix} R_{11} + R_{22} + R_{33} & R_{23} - R_{32} & R_{31} - R_{13} & R_{12} - R_{21} \\ R_{23} - R_{32} & R_{11} - R_{22} - R_{33} & R_{12} + R_{21} & R_{13} + R_{31} \\ R_{31} - R_{13} & R_{12} + R_{21} & -R_{11} + R_{22} - R_{33} & R_{23} + R_{32} \\ R_{12} - R_{21} & R_{13} + R_{31} & R_{23} + R_{32} & -R_{11} - R_{22} + R_{33} \\ \end{bmatrix} $$ We then compute $\lambda$, the maximum eigenvalue of matrix $T$, and its corresponding eigenvector $\mathbf{q}$. This eigenvector corresponds to the quaternion that gives the optimal rotation of one structure with respect to the other. The rotation matrix can be computed using the following expression: $$ U = \begin{bmatrix} q^2_0 + q^2_1 - q^2_2 - q^2_3 & 2(q_1 q_2 - q_0 q_3) & 2(q_1 q_3 + q_0 q_2) \\ 2(q_1 q_2 + q_0 q_3) & q^2_0 - q^2_1 + q^2_2 - q^2_3 & 2(q_2 q_3 - q_0 q_1) \\ 2(q_1 q_3 - q_0 q_2) & 2(q_2 q_3 + q_0 q_1) & q^2_0 - q^2_1 - q^2_2 + q^2_3 \end{bmatrix} $$ The corresponding minimum RMSD is computed using the formula: $$\min{RMSD} = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_i{|\mathbf{x}_i|^2 + |\mathbf{y}_i|^2} - 2\lambda}{N_{atoms}}} $$ The derivative of RMSD with respect to the input coordinates is computed using the formula: $$ \frac{\partial RMSD}{\partial \mathbf{x}_i} = \mathbf{x}_i - U^T \mathbf{y}_i $$
from TorchProteinLibrary import RMSD
rmsd = RMSD.Coords2RMSD().cuda()
src = torch.randn(1, 4*3, dtype=torch.double, device = 'cuda')
ref = torch.randn(1, 4*3, dtype=torch.double, device = 'cuda')
num_atoms = torch.tensor([4], dtype=torch.int, device='cuda')
L = rmsd(src, ref, num_atoms)
This layer implements the method from: Evangelos A. Coutsias, Chaok Seok, and Ken A. Dill. "Using quaternions to calculate RMSD". Journal of computational chemistry 25:15 (2004) 1849-1857 (link).First we move both target and input structures (positions $\mathbf{x}_i$ and $\mathbf{y}_i$) to their centers of mass, then we compute the correlation matrix $R$: $$ R = \sum_i^{N_{atoms}} \mathbf{x}_i \mathbf{y}^T_i $$ Using this matrix we compute $T$: $$ T = \begin{bmatrix} R_{11} + R_{22} + R_{33} & R_{23} - R_{32} & R_{31} - R_{13} & R_{12} - R_{21} \\ R_{23} - R_{32} & R_{11} - R_{22} - R_{33} & R_{12} + R_{21} & R_{13} + R_{31} \\ R_{31} - R_{13} & R_{12} + R_{21} & -R_{11} + R_{22} - R_{33} & R_{23} + R_{32} \\ R_{12} - R_{21} & R_{13} + R_{31} & R_{23} + R_{32} & -R_{11} - R_{22} + R_{33} \\ \end{bmatrix} $$ We then compute $\lambda$, the maximum eigenvalue of matrix $T$, and its corresponding eigenvector $\mathbf{q}$. This eigenvector corresponds to the quaternion that gives the optimal rotation of one structure with respect to the other. The rotation matrix can be computed using the following expression: $$ U = \begin{bmatrix} q^2_0 + q^2_1 - q^2_2 - q^2_3 & 2(q_1 q_2 - q_0 q_3) & 2(q_1 q_3 + q_0 q_2) \\ 2(q_1 q_2 + q_0 q_3) & q^2_0 - q^2_1 + q^2_2 - q^2_3 & 2(q_2 q_3 - q_0 q_1) \\ 2(q_1 q_3 - q_0 q_2) & 2(q_2 q_3 + q_0 q_1) & q^2_0 - q^2_1 - q^2_2 + q^2_3 \end{bmatrix} $$ The corresponding minimum RMSD is computed using the formula: $$\min{RMSD} = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_i{|\mathbf{x}_i|^2 + |\mathbf{y}_i|^2} - 2\lambda}{N_{atoms}}} $$ The derivative of RMSD with respect to the input coordinates is computed using the formula: $$ \frac{\partial RMSD}{\partial \mathbf{x}_i} = \mathbf{x}_i - U^T \mathbf{y}_i $$